
动力:2023 - 2028

55年来,它已不再是一项实验,而是该地区的一项重要事业, Springfield Technical Community 大学 (十大彩票平台) is proud to present 动力:2023 - 2028, 我们的战略计划及其 齿顶高. After fourteen months of hard work by so many stakeholders, 任务, 值, and purpose of 十大彩票平台 are clearly affirmed. Through a process that has been both collaborative and inclusive, we have generated a plan through the vestiges of a global pandemic, and onward with the fundamental outcome of supporting 学生s as they transform their lives.

Much gratitude goes to the leadership provided by the 策略规划专责小组, which encompassed the dynamic views and voices of 学生s, 教师, 工作人员, 管理员, 社区领袖, 和受托人. 通过众多的论坛, 会议, 数据审核, 环境扫描, 演讲, 和调查, planning has been action-oriented and objective-focused, shaping a set of priorities for the 大学 through 2028.


Goal 1: Lead the Educational Ecosystem: 加快建立相互关联的伙伴关系和项目提供系统,以增加可及性, 受教育程度, and economic mobility in the region.

Goal 2: Elevate our Technical 任务: Ensure technical programs align with labor market trends, 满足不断变化的劳动力需求, and position 十大彩票平台 as the premier technical community college in the region.

Goal 3: Clear the Path to 学生 Success: Implement and streamline 流程, 通路, and support services to enable equity and excellence in enrollment, 保留, 完成, 和转让.

目标4:联系和支持: 创造一个相互联系的校园氛围和文化,消除学生和员工之间的系统性障碍,以提供高质量的课程, 课外学习, 还有课外活动机会.

Goal 5: Reimagine 十大彩票平台 for a Sustainable Future: 调整财政, 物理, and human resources to strengthen 十大彩票平台’s position as a 学生-ready institution.






以学生为中心: 我们倾听学生的意见,并提供在教育体验中脱颖而出所需的机会和负担得起的费用. 我们为学生提供知识和经验,以支持他们的学习和全面的个人和职业发展和成功.

股票: 我们不懈努力,确保获得机会,实现种族平等, 消除成功的障碍, 并致力于反种族主义. 我们接受我们作为西班牙裔服务机构的身份,并有意努力为有色人种学生和所有边缘化身份群体的学生提供最好的支持.

奉献: 我们提供优秀的学习体验,十大彩票平台实现自己的目标. 在与学生和彼此之间的工作中,我们都是富有同情心和专业的. 我们倾听并提供周到和非评判性的反馈,为每个人创造安全和欢迎的空间. We do everything we can to ensure 学生 success and community well-being.

完整性: We are moral, ethical, and honest when working with our 学生s and each other. We foster an environment that builds trust and supports individual character.

尊重: We champion and incorporate mutual respect and trust among 管理员, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. With respect, we embrace differences to create an inclusive environment for all.

社区: We partner and work with employers, 行业, and non-proft organizations to develop programs, 学生活动, 奖学金, 运动机会. 在一起, 我们增加教育机会,并将学生和校友与该地区的当地就业机会联系起来.


Springfield Technical Community 大学 (十大彩票平台) will provide a transformational 学生 经历:

  • 一个个性化的, 可访问的, and affordable journey where 学生s receive holistic support, and resources to help them achieve their academic, 职业生涯, 个人目标.
  • 在学生进入学院时,为他们提供一个有意和顺利的入职过程, 所以他们在第一天就准备好了.
  • clear 通路 to 完成, transfer opportunities, and a fulfilling profession.
  • implementation of high impact practices increasing 学生 persistence.
  • 一个互动, 有创意的, and safe educational and social environment that fosters learning, 归属感, 和联系.
  • 与学习材料和整体学生体验相结合的优化和增强的技术和系统,提供实时更新的进度和个性化指导, and effective communication to help 学生s successfully navigate the college.
  • 为学生提供指导和向包括学生领袖在内的同龄人学习的机会, 校友, 教师, and 工作人员 through engaging and 有创意的 digital and in-person interactions.

Springfield Technical Community 大学 教师, 员工和行政管理 将通过以下方式支持这一经验:

  • being supportive and encouraging 学生s’ feelings of connectedness, 信心, and agency in the learning process.
  • 建筑实践, 流程, and procedures that lead to equitable 学生 outcomes, while committing to address 学生 need.
  • 从事以学生为中心的工作,指导和授权学生通过教育改变他们的生活.
  • developing and offering innovative programs, 相关的课程, 课堂经验, and industry exposure that provide opportunities for applied learning.
  • recognizing the technical purpose of the 大学 as part of its mission.


This strategic plan demonstrates a staunch commitment to equity. 该计划中的每个战略目标都包括具体的指标和行动,这些指标和行动直接符合马萨诸塞州高等教育委员会和高等教育部消除马萨诸塞州高等教育中种族平等差距的框架. 正是通过种族平等的视角,我们构建了我们的高级战略目标和可衡量的目标.

我们鼓励并邀请您从这个角度来看待和处理本计划中详细介绍的工作. While centering racial equity throughout the plan, 战略规划工作组和十大彩票平台内阁批判性地分析了一种方法,该方法也呼吁在社会经济地位方面实现公平, 能力, 和性别. 十大彩票平台继续致力于学生和员工访问和结果的数据分类.

Community 通信 and Updates


  • 全体大学生市政厅会议
  • 策略规划专责小组 (SPTF) Kickoff
  • 董事会开始
  • 防范酷刑工作队工作会议
  • Data/Document Review and Analysis (SPTF)
  • 数据审查工作坊(SPTF)
  • Trends in Higher Education Workshop (Employees)
  • Defining the 学生 Experience Workshop (学生s and Employees)
  • SWOT Survey (Employees and 学生s)
  • Focus Groups (学生s, Employees, Community)
  • Future Summit Topic Selection (SPTF)
  • Future Summit Event (Employees, Community, 学生s)
  • 董事会使命/愿景审查
  • 员工价值观工作坊
  • Sub-Group Presentation of Best Practices Research
  • 扫描计划工作坊(SPTF)
  • Advancing Strategies Workshop (SPTF)
  • 任务/愿景/值/Strategies Survey (Employees)
  • 实施工作坊(柜体)
  • 目标工作坊(SPTF)
  • Constituent Feedback Sessions (学生s, Employees, Community)
  • 行动计划工作坊
  • Strategic Plan Presentation to Board
  • 战略计划发布


For more information about the strategic planning process, please see our 战略规划 十大彩票平台Net门户 page. There you can find meeting agendas, 分钟, and 演讲; data sources; strategic planning guides; and feedback from engagement events.

For questions or feedback please email us at strategicplanning@sh-fyz.com and we will get back to you to answer your question or acknowledge your input.